Gorgeous Green Walls

Green walls, or living walls as they are sometimes known, seem to be having a moment.  You can find them all over London both in outdoor and indoor spaces.  The one located near the new development at Kings Cross on Goods Way is spectacular, as you can see below.

Kings Cross Central









In a squashed city like London, thinking vertically is a good idea for gardens in the capital which might be light-deprived and short on space.  However, living walls although beautiful, can be costly and tricky to maintain, involving complicated irrigation and feeding systems which have to be checked and adjusted according to the season.  It was therefore very satisfying to help a client recently with the installation of an artificial version of the real thing.  Can you tell the difference?








Convincing, isn’t it? It was a lovely project to supervise, finding a solution to creating some greenery in the space without having to think of what kind of plants would thrive there.  Installation was easy and mess and hassle free.  Hiring a concierge to oversee this kind of project is a good idea if you are time-strapped.  Although, it didn’t take a huge amount of time, that might be time you just don’t have.  Now the space is ready for spring and a nice glass of red on the terrace. Perfect.